6 Free sites to deploy your Backend Applications


5 min read

6 Free sites to deploy your Backend Applications


Finding out cost-effective ways to deploy or host your project as a backend developer can be daunting. After successfully building and testing your application, you may face the challenge of deciding the best platform to deploy your project.

To assist with this, I have compiled a list of free cloud-based platforms that are backend focused, highlighting their unique features and benefits, also their limitations. The good news is that most of them can cater to personal projects as well as small startup projects, providing you with a practical solution to experiment with new technologies, test your ideas and launch small scale-projects.

  • Heroku

  • Render

  • PythonAnywhere

  • Railway

  • Koyeb

  • Fly.io


Heroku as a platform as a service offers cloud services to developers who want to deploy, manage, and scale their backend projects. In addition to a clean and intuitive user interface, Heroku offers flexible pricing plans and a wide range of features. It supports various programming languages like Python, Java, Ruby, Go, Node. js, Scala.

Heroku does not offer a free tier plan any longer. However, if you're a verified GitHub student, you can receive platform credits worth $13 per month for 12 months (total of $156/yr) that can be used on Heroku. Check out GitHub Student Developer Pack and Heroku-GitHub's offer.


  • Scalability

  • Add-ons

  • PostgreSQL as a service

  • Continuous delivery

  • GitHub Integration - Regularly push updates to your deployed web application using git

  • Enhanced security

  • Offers a powerful Command Line Interface(CLI) for use in any terminal

  • Customizable domain name


Render as a cloud-based platform offers a variety of cool features on its free-tier plan including but not limited to the deployment of docker containers, web applications, static websites, and Postgres databases. If you're new to Render and planning to deploy your application, referring to Docs will be helpful in navigating your first deployment, especially since the Docs are tailored to each programming language and framework.

However, because Render uses a “sleep when inactive” method which is set to 15 minutes, I would not advise deploying production-ready web applications. It is best used for personal projects.


  • Automatic deployment on Git

  • Lightning-fast CDN

  • Supports Postgres database

  • Deploy docker containers

  • Custom domain with full SSL functionality


PythonAnywhere comes across as one of the easiest platforms to deploy Python projects. It is very flexible and easy to use due to its simple interface. PythonAnywhere provides a browser-based code editor and also a browser-based bash terminal for running Command Line Arguments.

Apart from its support for developing and serving Python apps, it is also a recommended way of deploying machine learning-based apps.


  • Browser-based code editor with syntax highlighting

  • Python web development environment

  • Supports Ipython, Jupiter, PyPy, and CPython

  • WSGI-based web hosting

  • Cron-like scheduled tasks for automation and support for tasks

  • Powerful servers hosted by Amazon EC2


Railway is another cloud-based platform that helps developers deploy their apps. It creates room for building and deploying large and small-scale projects.

Railway offers a range of features that make it easy to build, test, and deploy applications, including built-in support for popular databases, version control, and continuous deployment.

It is flexible enough to accommodate both small personal projects and complex projects. With the Migrate from Heroku feature, you can seamlessly move your existing projects from Heroku to Railway with a few easy steps.

Also, it supports languages such as Node.js, Deno, Python, Deno, Ruby, PHP, Java, Rust, .NET, and Elixir, amongst other languages.


  • Migrate from Heroku to Railway

  • Available templates to deploy instantly

  • Multiple Environments

  • Automatic Builds

  • Infrastructure as Legos

  • Deployment Rollbacks

  • Railway CLI

  • Secrets Management

  • Autoscaling


Just like every other platform listed above, Koyeb is a cloud-native serverless platform that allows you to deploy full web applications, APIs, event-driven serverless functions, background workers, and Cron jobs. On Koyeb, you deploy applications using docker containers or from GitHub repositories. Koyeb supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks such as Ruby, Node. js, Python, Clojure, Scala, Go, Rust, Php.


  • Easy-to-use interface

  • Supports all kinds of services

  • Add-ons

  • Full support of docker containers

  • Git-driven deployment

  • A Koyeb CLI to manage resources and automate directly from the terminal

  • Easy to use REST API

  • For security purposes, Each app is deployed in Firecracker microVMs, isolated from the computer’s host operating system


Fly.io as a cloud-based platform offers a clean UI and UX designed to make deployment easy. Both static and complex applications can be deployed It provides amazing features including Fly Launch. You can easily scan your source code and configure it for deployment without touching your docker


  • Supports these languages Crystal, Redwoodjs, Django, Rust, Go, docker, Rails, Remix, Phoenix

  • Uses Firecrackers MicroVMs

  • Fly Launch

  • FlyCTL helps manage deployment regions’ scaling and secrets.

I hope that I have provided you with enough information to help you choose the best platform to host or deploy your backend projects. Remember that while some platforms offer free plans or tiers, they may not be suitable for production-ready web applications. It's important to carefully consider the features and benefits of each platform and choose the one that best fits your needs. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter. You can always check out my GitHub, Hashnode, and Medium to see what my curious mind is building this time.